高瑞利 孔维宏摘要:文章在综述pbl项目学习和翻转课堂文献的基础上,结合《电视编导与策划》这门课程的特性,提出了基于pbl的翻转课堂教学设计模式,该模式主要针对本专业高职层次学生并将上述两种理论结合起来进行教学改革尝试,教学模式按照pbl项目学习设计,教学活动设计则充分汲取
Conference Proceedings - FLIP - Flipped Learning in Praxis Apr 14, 2015 · Flipping for Administrators: Come learn from Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams as they take you on their journey from lecturers to flipped class pioneers. Learn how teachers can talk to every student in every class every day creating a learner centred, inquiry driven, problem-based classes. How the Flipped Classroom Is Radically Transforming ... by Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams In 2004, we both started teaching at Woodland Park High School in Woodland Park, Colorado. Jon came from Denver and Aaron from Southern California. We became the Chemistry department at our school of 950 students. Flipped Learning Founders Set the Record Straight -- THE ... The modern movement, with its emphasis on streaming video lectures in place of traditional homework, got its start five years ago at a small Colorado high school where science teachers Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams began collaborating on ways to use technology to …
Initially, the students were all working at the same pace, watching the same videos, What’s a MOOC? | Surviving the Cost of College May 15, 2016 · See Jon Bergmann’s and Aaron Sam’s book entitled Flip Your Classroom. Recently, the folks at MIT, Harvard and the like decided to make some of the courses they had produced for students, available to the public free of charge, or for a slight fee if you wanted a signed certificate of completion. Blended Learning - DEBBIE MORRISON An excellent series on YouTube, The Flipped Learning Toolkit features flipped learning pioneers Aaron Sam and Jon Bergmann. The two teachers walk you through the first step: re-imagining instructional time, classroom layout and how-to support students when introducing challenging course materials. Tech Transformation: September 2014
Oct 24, 2014 - Join Jon Bergmann & Aaron Sams as they look back at the flipped class movement and discuss the future as well. Jon Bergmann and Errol St. Clair Smith Respond to Recent Research. today a partnership with flipped learning pioneers Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams, Jonathan Bergmann, Aaron Sams. International Society for Tech in Ed., Jun 21, 2012 - Education - 120 pages. 1 Review. Learn what a flipped classroom is and Jul 21, 2014 Flipped classroom pioneers Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams take their revolutionary educational philosophy to the next level in Flipped Jun 21, 2016 Interview with Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams for NPR affiliate KUAR on Clinton School Presents, a weekly dialogue of distinguished
Press - Flipped Learning Global Initiative: The Exchange NEW YORK, NY (April 21, 2015) Knowledge Delivery Systems , a leading provider of strategic and blended professional learning solutions for states and school districts, has announced today a partnership with flipped learning pioneers Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams, co-founders of FlippedClass.com, a leading global provider of flipped learning 翻转课堂方兴未艾,未来十年如何翻出花样? 那段时间恰逢在线视频网站YouTube刚刚兴起(成立两年),制作和发布视频成本低廉且便于操作,所以Jon Bergmann和Aaron Sams两位老师提出了学生将在家观看视频课程,并要求他们再回到教室的时候与同学解决观看视频后的问题。这一理念也就是今天熟知的翻转课堂 Category: Flippedclassroom
Oct 1, 2012 each teacher will have a different experience, but securing school leadership support, time, and IT resources will be important to every effort.